Norsk Kennel Klubs Internasjonale utstilling, Drammen, 01.06.2014
Dommer: Anne Macdonald, Storbritannia (7+10)
(foto: Ella Christensen)
BIR, CACIB: CH- Gold'N Copper Peace'n Harmony - Aura
BIM, CACIB: Esbeltos I'm Worth The Wait - Shanti
BT-2, R-CACIB: CH- Tells Lipstick On My Collar - Denice
BT-3, Cert: Esbelto's Not Your Bff - Lilo
BT-4, R-Cert: Alphaville's Frozen Asset - Annie
BIR, BIG, BIS-4: Gilthoniel's Pilgrim Of Avalon (BH 4-6 måneder) - Lucius