Norsk Kennel Klubb, Internasjonal utstilling, Bø- Telemarkshallen 20.02.2016
Dommer: Gavin Robertson, UK (12 + 10)

bo februar2016

BIR, Cert, CACIB: Sheralji Queen Of Angels - Ny Norsk Champion
BIM, Cert, CACIB: CH- Simbad Ebn Rashida Von haussman - Ny Norsk Champion

BH-2, R-CACIB: CH- Esbelto's I'm Born To Run
BT-2, R-Cert, R-CACIB: CH- Hafiza Aviad Von Haussman
BT-3: Esbelto's Norwegian Design
BT-4: CH- Kjavu A Story To Tell

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